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Where Are Your Gaps?

Here we go -- spring has officially sprung in the U.S.! There are signs of it everywhere in the Pacific Northwest. The area of southern Oregon where I spend part of every year is a rural one with rich soils and the right climate for orchards and vineyards. The fruit trees and flowers are starting to bud and blossom.

As nature comes alive again after its winter layover, we can feel some of that rejuvenation. Instead, however, I keep hearing people say how tired they are and how they don't have enough energy. After the last couple of years, I get it. We've all been through a lot and even without a pandemic, there's plenty to cause breaks in the continuity of our lives. Where are the gaps in your life?

Are you feeling:

  • exhausted?

  • worried about money?

  • anxious?

  • out of control about a lot of things?

  • confused?

  • or, fill in the blank...?

Did you have any or all of these things "under control" at some point, but now, you're not sure how to get there again? Sounds like you've got some gaps in certain areas and it's getting in the way of you having joy, vibrant health, energy, and even general well-being.

"Mind the gap" is used by transit systems all around the world. It's an audible and/or visual warning for passengers cautioning them to be careful of the space between the train door and the platform. Slipping into that opening could be disastrous or at least cause some injury. Wouldn't it be nice if we heard a voice advising us to "watch out!" every time we were about to go off course? Other than being on public transportation, we don't usually get those messages until we're no longer on track. So, where can we start filling the cracks? Maybe it's time to put yourself on a media fast by turning off the nightly news or getting outside for a walk every day. There are so many ways to get your groove back and I've pretty much tried them all which means I can help you do the same.

If you want to keep doing it alone, that's your choice, but if you're feeling like you need some support in certain areas, please drop me a line so we can set up a time to talk. I don't like seeing anyone fall through the gap. And don't forget -- be care-full.

Happy Healthy Habit Hump Day!



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About the Author




Barbara L Cummings, MS, RN

is a sassy Queen-ager whose mission is to co-create a happier, healthier life with and for others.

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