
Yo, yo, yo, whazzup?!? How's that for a greeting!? I'm really happy you're here and I'm taking the lead from this week's Seed:
"Everything thrives on ...
This is going to be a short one.
Kids do well when their efforts are recognized.
For that matter, adults like being appreciated, too.
Our pets love it when we play with them.
If we put all our energy into something it will surely succeed, so make it something good
Deciding to look for whatever is kind or beautiful will result in seeing exactly that.

At the same time:
Reading negative Twitter posts will put you in a dark mood
Watching the news for several hours a day will give you a bleak view of the world
Complaining will open the door to more and more pessimism
Hanging onto anger will fill you with resentment
Blaming everyone and/or everything for your unhappiness leaves you feeling disempowered.
Do you see where I'm going with this? I'm speaking from experience, trust me. As I've written so many times before, Where our attention goes, our energy flows and Where our energy flows, our attention goes.
Everything thrives on attention. Be mindful what seeds you're nourishing so that your blooms can be a reflection of your care -- this is what I wish for you. Is life working out for you or is there room for improvement? It's hard to make changes all by yourself. Contact me for a complimentary session and let's chat about this or that. What have you got to lose?
Sparkles and Love,

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