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Inward and Outward Dwelling

So lovely to "see" you again. I hope you are doing well.

Do you think about where you live? I recently heard a colleague say that she had never given it much thought until she moved to her current home. It's giving her so much pleasure, in part because of the location, it's helped her realize how little attention she gave to her location in the past.

I've been giving it LOTS of brain-time recently. For almost two years now, I've been looking for a nest. If you've been following me for a bit, at least the last year or so, you know I've mentioned finally needing a place of my own after more than seven years as a gypsy. Ideally, I'd love two spaces -- one on the east coast/New England and one on the west coast. I go back and forth between the two and have been

spending about 6 months in each.

My search in Massachusetts this year has brought some clarity to what feels good to me. I need light/lots of big windows. I like being on the top floor. I love hardwood floors. I want space to sit and eat and perhaps have people over for dinners. I'm beyond going out to a laundromat to do laundry -- there has to be a washer/dryer in the unit. There are several other features I like, but I start with those. When I walk into a condo or duplex, I get a hit right away if it lifts my spirits or brings me down.

The most beautiful home in the world, with everything I want, however, won't give me a sense of contentment if my inner "living space" isn't in order. In fact, If I'm in a bad mood, I try not to even look at potential abodes because I know I'll only see everything wrong with them.

Taking care of ourselves means attending to both the inside and the outside. In addition to the actual, physical location, my colleague is also in a wonderful space personally in her relationships. This plays a big part in loving her new house. Meditating and finding inner calm,

strength, and happiness is just as important as designing your living space with colors and styles that give you enjoyment. Once you get right with both of those, you'll have exactly the digs that you love calling home.

Be care-full.

Happy Healthy Habit Hump Day,



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About the Author




Barbara L Cummings, MS, RN

is a sassy Queen-ager whose mission is to co-create a happier, healthier life with and for others.

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