Choose Feeling Good

It's a beautiful day in Florida! No matter when you read this, that will probably be true. This is the "sunshine state" for good reason and this time of year it's still fairly cool at night and not terribly hot during the day.
I'm unexpectedly spending a month here with family. My original intention was to swing through Florida to see my 92-year old dad for a few days before heading north and ending up in Boston the first of May. Part of my annual "budget" depends on a nursing contract in Bean Town. It allows me to be flexible with my time and location during the year. This year we had an unexpected loss in my sister's family and she needed me, so my plans changed. There's a Yiddish proverb, "Man plans, God laughs.".
I could be upset and certainly I'm sad to see my sister grieving, however I really don't see the point in making this a "problem". I have invested too much time in learning how to see what's good around me. This takes some effort, some days more than others. We are surrounded by opportunities to be annoyed, irritated, and worse. There is no scarcity of people and media sources that can pull us down or rile us up in a few minutes. What's most important to remember is that we have the power to allow them to get to us or not. We can either turn the TV or radio on... or not. We can pick up a newspaper... or not. We can continue a friendship with someone who belittles us... or not. We can stay in a job that is stressful... or not.
Not all decisions are easy until we look at what they "cost" us if we decide to continue in certain situations that don't support us. It will likely mean wandering into somewhat unfamiliar territory, especially if we've taken on the idea that we don't deserve to experience something better. We will never reach our full potential unless we accept that every single one of us has value, starting with ourselves. We will be cheating life and dishonoring it if we hold back.

I could be afraid because I'm "losing" a month of income and distressed that I'm being "cheated" out of four weeks in my hometown. Last year I was enamored with spring in the northeast and watching everything bud, come back to life, and seeing the baby ducks and turkeys parading around the parks and ponds. I could mourn that and even be resentful that I'm "missing it this year", or ... I can sit on a beautiful lanai with a fountain and a pool right next to me. I can look out at the lake on the other side of the "birdcage" surrounding me and watch an alligator sunning himself at the edge while birds wander over the lawn, fly overhead, and send their calls to one another. I can get some Vitamin D by sitting with my legs stretched out on a chaise lounge inthe sunshine (and my face and neck and chest covered!). I can meet my sister's wonderful, kind, concerned, and caring friends who will continue to take care of her when I leave. I can renew my BLS/CPR certification here instead of New York where I was originally scheduled. I can look at all my possibilities and pick the ones that nourish me.
This Monday's Quote was:
"There is no reason for you to choose or indulge in things
that make you feel angry, upset, or unworthy. Especially, when there are so many options for feeling good." Do what feels good -- this is what I wish for you.
Sometimes we feel "stuck". If you've been feeling like you're in a funk it can be hard to get out of it all by yourself. I know I need help getting out of my own way sometimes. Drop me a line, We can set up a time and talk about whatever comes up. I'm here for you!
Sparkles and Love,
