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An Earthly Spiritual Connection

"Oh, By Gosh, By Golly It's Time For Mistletoe And Holly Tasty Pheasants, Christmas Presents Countrysides Covered With Snow Oh, By Gosh, By Jingle It's Time For Carols And Kris Kringle Overeating, Merry Greetings From Relatives You Don't Know Then Comes That Big Night, Giving The Tree The Trim You'll Hear Voices By Starlight Singing A Yuletide Hymn Oh, By Gosh, By Golly It's Time For Mistletoe And Holly Fancy Ties An' Granny's Pies An' Folks Stealin' A Kiss Or Two As They Whisper, 'Merry Christmas,To You'".

by Sanicola, Stanford, & Sinatra

Greetings to Everyone! This is my last blogette for 2020 and it will go out on Christmas Eve. I'm writing it just a few days before so my assistant and I can sit back and relax over the next several days. Even if you don't "celebrate" Christmas, I hope you can enjoy this fun holiday song. It started playing itself in my head as I sat down to write. I think my Mum must have put it there from the other side since "Frankie" was her all-time favorite! This was only fitting and appropriate for the week's Monday Quote:

"Consider the fact that you may be enjoying the physical world through your spiritual connection. Cool, huh?!?"

Have you noticed how you will suddenly think of something and you're not sure why? It might be a song, like the experience I had just a few minutes ago, or, it could be a random memory, or even a scent. Often it's related to something or someone in our past and it's really special when it's a loved one. One time, I had someone who communicates with angels with far more efficiency than I do, tell me that I might actually feel a little poke or even itch when my angels are talking to me. Sure enough, I started to realize that there are a couple of spots on my body that will mysteriously tingle sometimes. Now that I've started paying attention, I've noticed the areas are consistent and they can either feel like a little reminder to slow down and be more mindful or some other golden nugget comes to me. I've accepted the connection between mind and body for as long as I can remember. For some reason, though, it took me more than a minute to tap into the link between my concrete world and the spiritual realm. I kept them separate. Maybe I was taking the beauty around me for granted because I really developed a different kind of appreciation for my surroundings when I started my cross-country drives. Seeing both exquisite nature as well as stunning "man-made" creations filled me with a sense of something so much greater than myself. I found myself wanting to slow down in my driving and I started taking more breaks and stopping along the way. I also started visiting more people I had met in different situations. I realized that when I visited someone, they were eager to show me the lovely areas where they live and their attachment to their environment was deeply felt by me. I have a similar bond with Boston and New England and one that is growing out in the Pacific Northwest now that I spend several months a year here. Furthermore, I have a deep fondness that almost feels mystical for various parts of the world where I've traveled. Have you ever been somewhere new and it feels like "home"? Or, as if you had been there before, when you hadn't (in this lifetime, anyway!)? Even though I've meditated and developed more and more of a relationship with my soul...; Even though I always talk about, "Where your attention goes, your energy flows"...; Even though I help people uplevel their mindset ... I still have often missed the boat on how much my bond with Spirit has colored my everyday life and what's all around me. This might be one of the biggest, brightest, and most meaningful gifts of 2020 for me. We've all had to adjust our relationship to the world. I am no exception to that and it hasn't always been easy, however some of the most treasured times I've had this year have felt holy. Being on a long walk, out in the sunshine, seeing someone's beautifully planted garden or simply asking someone, even through a mask, how they're doing has had more meaning than usual. Taking less for granted and contacting people I haven't been in touch with for a while has felt sacred. The physical world has definitely presented its challenges, but when I've met them with an open heart and accessed the divine within me, it's all felt like everything is going to be so much better than just okay. It feels difficult sometimes, but it's worth it and this is what I wish for you.

Sparkles and Love,



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About the Author




Barbara L Cummings, MS, RN

is a sassy Queen-ager whose mission is to co-create a happier, healthier life with and for others.

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