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December 5, 2024

A big hello to you -- it's been a minute since I last wrote. During that time I finished helping out with harvest and putting the gardens "to bed" for the winter in Oregon. I also embarked on my return trip, via car, to the east coast ... with my new, rescued kitty. The first 24-hours were a little shaky (probably more on my part than on hers!), but after that, we figured out our rhythm and made the drive in record time. It was a delightful journey in many ways. I can tell you more another time. 

Let's finish up with the "series" I started a few weeks ago about going for your dreams. So far, we start by meditating or getting quiet, every day, in order to really get in touch with what we want. Journaling helps to get it out on paper and bring even more clarity. Then, visualizing and getting in touch with how it would feel to achieve our desires.

Next, we can create affirmations. This is especially helpful when you notice resistance and doubts (as I mentioned in the last post). You might say something like, "I am so happy and grateful to be going on vacation in Sweden [or fill in the blank]!". You might affirm, "My dreams are coming true and I deserve and am worthy of love and good things.". Or, "Things are always working out for me."

After all that, take inspired action. This often means following nudges from the Universe or your intuition. You don't have to wait for everything to be perfect to act on opportunities that feel right. Trust the process. As Tony Robbins and many others say, "Life isn't happening to us -- it's happening for us." Relax and trust and be open to receiving. Act as if it's already happening. 

Finally, be consistent. Show up every day for meditation, journaling, visualizing, feeling, and raising your vibration around what you want. Make room for it to come. This means not dwelling on whatever went wrong or didn't work out in the past. Make space for things to be different. Commit to allowing things to be better. It might feel awkward or uncomfortable at first. Anything new does. As babies we totter, stumble, and fall when we are doing something new like learning to walk. Imagine if we decided it was just too uncomfortable a process!?! You've got this. I believe in you. 

If you want more, contact me. If not now, when?

Sending Sparkles and Love Your Way!



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About the Author




Barbara L Cummings, MS, RN

is a sassy Queen-ager whose mission is to co-create a happier, healthier life with and for others.

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