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And here we are again, dear Reader. It is an honor to be back or maybe for the first time. I welcome everyone. 

A couple of months ago I realized I was hearing the question, "What do you want?". It kept showing up over and over again and I finally realized it was trying to get my attention. I started doing some deep thinking on what it meant while at the same time getting the message that I was supposed to share my thoughts and process around it. 

So far, I've raised the question itself while acknowledging that it's sometimes hard to come up with an answer. I've suggested my go-to for getting quiet and listening for a response, namely meditation. In my last post in this series I introduced the idea of journaling as a means of unraveling our doubts related to the wishes and dreams that might come up as we sit with what we really want. Journaling can also help with clarity and allow us to get very specific.

Today we're going to explore the magic ingredients to move us forward with a vision of our future instead of getting stuck in memories of our past. This is about attracting and calling in what we desire. Let's begin with Visualization. It's one thing to think of and even write down what we want. We think of things all day, every day and they are mostly just passing thoughts. They are forgotten within minutes if not seconds. For example, you might mention that you'd really like to go on vacation to a tropical island -- what a lovely thought and nothing more. If you want to get serious about that get-away you'd better start picturing yourself on the beach, sipping a pina colada, listening to calypso music and the sound of steel drums, watching the waves while sitting in a canvas chaise with your feet in the sand. See the difference between the idea and the vision?!?

There's still one element missing. Quantum physics explains that everything is vibration. All matter is constantly moving or vibrating at different frequencies. Our thoughts and emotions all have unique levels of vibration. There is something called an Emotional Guidance Scale. Hopefulness, optimism, passion, love and joy have higher frequencies while worry, anger, guilt, and fear have much lower ones. In order to really get in touch with what we want we have to also tap into how it feels when we achieve it. Let's go back to your tropical vacation ... as you are on the beach let yourself surrender to feeling relaxed, delighted, happy, maybe even excited. Raise your vibration with positive emotions. I'm always reminding myself and anyone who will listen, "Where our attention goes, our energy flows.". Powerlessness barely quivers while freedom and feeling empowered ripples and quakes in the best possible way.

Practice visualizing and noticing how you feel throughout the day. Little by little we can tackle our wants and desires. There's just a couple more "steps" to consider. We'll get to those next time. 

Remember, meditation is the foundation from where we can gain a new, healthier, more hopeful perspective on life. Contact me if you want to give it a go, either for the first time or once again. Falling 99 times isn't nearly as important as getting up the 100th time. 

Sending so much love and sparkles, 


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About the Author




Barbara L Cummings, MS, RN

is a sassy Queen-ager whose mission is to co-create a happier, healthier life with and for others.

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