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I'm Back!

What?!? It's already August?!? How the heck did that happen? You may have noticed that I was hardly around in July -- at least not in this format. If you remember, I was feeling a little out of sorts at the beginning of the summer. Health-wise, physically, I was fine. At the same time I felt the need to shake things up a little. I desired less action and more contemplation. I felt a great pull towards being in the NOW and that's where I've (mostly) been. From time to time, I thought about sending out a post and then, I realized it felt a little too much like a lecture and I let it go. Now, I've got the urge to share so here you go...

I celebrated my birthday last month. I have loved birthday parties especially since I've been an adult (Not so much as a kid! That might be something to explore at another time.). One message in particular, from a dear friend, inspired me to share with you. She wrote: 

"Happy Birthday to you!! 

May you be celebrated well by yourself on your

day of birth!

You have the skills to create your very best life!

Although I hope others are celebrating the heck

out of you ... we often are the only ones

that know what our hearts long for.

May you listen and answer the call!"

This really touched me and moved me and I wanted to pass it along. It is soooo true. How often do we ask others what we should do, where should we eat, when should we go somewhere?!? Especially as women, I think we're afraid we're going to "offend" someone by asking for what we want. In fact, I believe we are so out of touch with our desires we don't even know how to answer the question, What do you want?. Yet, we are often delighted when someone else tells us what they want because it gives us purpose and a way to help someone else celebrate life. 

I strongly suggest that you begin asking yourself, "What do I want?"  Start a new journal where that's all you explore, every day for ten or fifteen minutes. Write down anything and everything, even if it seems wildly extravagant or absurd. As you start your day, tell yourself, "I am going to look for things that delight me. Please, Universe, offer them up!". Be ready to respond when someone asks you what you want. Get together with friends and open up the discussion about hopes, dreams, and wishes. Practice receiving, whether it's compliments or tangible items. Most of all, go have fun with it. That's where I am NOW. 

Wanna talk about your "wants"? I'm a good listener. Hit me up and let's see what surfaces. 

Sending sparkles and love your way,



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About the Author




Barbara L Cummings, MS, RN

is a sassy Queen-ager whose mission is to co-create a happier, healthier life with and for others.

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