It's Like This...Maintenance

I'm writing this from LAX as I wait to get on a plane to Sydney, Australia! I've been drawn to go "down under" for the past year so I'm very excited to finally be on my way. Sitting in the airport and planning for a 16 hour (!) flight reminds me of all the things we do on a daily basis.
For example, I'm bringing comfort items so that I can sleep for much of the flight (it's overnight). I slept last night and I need to refresh and recharge again. I've been drinking a little extra water so I can stay hydrated -- I did the same yesterday and that's already been used up and I'm doing it again. I'm looking at snacks more than heavy meals during the actual traveling, however I can't count on the meals I had yesterday to carry me through an extra 24 hours.
Even though I usually learn at least one, even small, thing that's new everyday, I look forward to what I might discover today. If I didn't, I'd probably be having exactly the same thoughts every day. Actually, it's been shown that sometimes we actually do run into a mind rut where we think the same thing over and over. I like to catch myself when I get caught up in that and see what's new in my world.

So, it's like this ... life is an adventure and it's also about feeding ourselves on a daily basis
and repeating certain behaviors in order to participate in the escapades. Pay attention to the repetitive, sometimes mundane activities and recognize them for being valuable. Also, remember that every part of us needs to be nourished day-to-day -- body, mind, and spirit. Develop some habits that support you and keep you whole.
Yes, I will be in a completely different country for the next couple of weeks, on the other side of the world. I'm looking forward to many new experiences and I will also be grateful for the ability to maintain what it takes to be able to show up for them.
Look for my videos on Facebook!
