
Last week I sent out my first blog/newsletter after taking a 6-month break. I was so excited to be back in touch with my peeps (and, welcoming some new ones!). Everything looked great and then, I found a blip in the copy. It probably would have been ok, but I wanted it to be perfect so my fabulous VA, Michelle, fixed it. After that, a friend said she couldn't get the link to work on her mobile phone. Another glitch to try and take care of ...
This got me thinking about how the week before I had recorded a meditation as a gift to everyone to celebrate getting back in the swing of things. While some people told me how much they liked it, there was also the comment about the "noise in the background, as if my jewelry was jingling". I wasn't wearing any bracelets or other sound-producing adornments, so who knows where it was coming from! Some prankster fairy, perhaps?
Suddenly, I felt like a fraud or trickster, at best. Who was I to think I could show up in everyone's email box every week, huh?!? After all, I, apparently, wasn't perfect!! If this was a silent movie, you'd hear wild, doom-filled chords in the background.
As I read this now, I'm laughing. Yes, I spent a good part of my life trying to be perfect. I thought I had to be to be "acceptable". Wow, is that sad and if there were people in my life giving me that message, they were probably struggling with the same, mistaken idea. I also think that I was wired that way and it's been one of the lessons I needed to work out.
One of my angels suggested that I look up the definition of perfect (my angels are always right on) and, lo and behold, look what I discovered:

Perfect - as good as it is possible to be; to make something free from faults or defects, or,
as close to such a condition as possible.
I love that last word - POSSIBLE. It means feasible, attainable, doable - all within my reach.
Instead of accepting that I am adorably imperfect, I can dance to the knowledge that I am delightfully perfect. I do the best I can. That is what I strive for and what I recommend everyone make as their goal.
To that end, I've ordered some new, improved equipment to make future meditation recordings because I want you all to get the best,possible product from me.
Also, by the time you read this, I'll be in Amsterdam, beginning a river cruise, down the Danube, to Budapest. I'm all fired up to be sharing this with you over the next several weeks. It's going to be simply perfect!