Don't Wait For January
A hearty greeting to you from my hometown! I finally got back to Boston after almost a year of being away. It's so good to be here, even...

Better and Better
Hello! Are you ready for another Bloom? Here you go ... A reminder of this week's Seed: "Recommending that you strive to feel good, no...

Fool or Fuel?
How are you feeling today? On top of the world or under the weather? Maybe someplace in between? No two days are alike, which can...

True Connection
It's Bloom time once again! How are you doing? I hope you are continuing to blossom in your life, even if fall is setting in (spring, if...

Nip It In The Bud
I will be starting a 3,000 mile drive tomorrow. Every week I think about what I'm going to write to you and this week I kept hearing the...

Be You, Be Kind
Hello from the farm in S Oregon. The next time you open up The Bloom, I expect to be halfway across the U.S. In the past I've posted...

Do You Have a PLAN?
Hello from S Oregon! Two weeks from today I intend to be a little farther south, in the Los Angeles area as I begin my eastbound drive. I...

Power Points
This week I'm saying hello from the upper coast of Oregon. I've been inland for so long I had a need to see and be near the ocean. I'm...

Tragedy or Treasure?
Hello, health seeker! I'm really happy to be here this week and share with you some good news. But first, I want to tell you a story....

Hi, and where are you blooming today? I sometimes like to look around and see where and how I'm blooming. Today is all about The Bloom...