An Unexpected Gift
A cheerful Hello from the south -- Florida to be more exact. I'm currently doing my east coast shuffle again. With friends and family all...

Mutual Love?
It's time for another "episode" of The Care, your biweekly (every other week) dose of health and wellness information and commentary by...

Time To Give Up?
Happy end of March! Even though it's been a really mild winter in New England this year, I've been feeling like spring is in the air...

Your Rescue Kit
It's Spring (or Fall if you're in the southern hemisphere)! At least that's what the astronomical calendar says -- it was the vernal...

The Goldilocks Principle
Welcome back to another "episode" of The Bloom. How are things with you this week? I hope you're finding the sparkles and love in your...

Remove What Doesn't Belong
It's another Happy Healthy Habit Hump Day! I hope you're feeling good -- it's a good thing to reach for and build upon. Maybe something...

Work, Work, Work, Work, Work, Work
Happy March, already! Somehow February feels so much shorter than just 2 or 3 days less than other months. Are you ready for spring? It's...

Treat or Prevent?
Greetings and Where's Babs?!? I hope you're doing well. Only a few people call me "Babs". One time, one of those few sent me a message...

New To You?
Welcome to another edition of The Bloom. I don't know about you, but I am constantly re-evaluating where I am in life, what I'm doing,...

Consider Change
Hello! It's Wednesday, Happy Healthy Habit Hump Day, or whatever day you're reading this. I'm truly happy to be here and I hope you are,...