Finding the Pause
Sun-filled greetings from the east coast of the U.S. I'm writing this a couple days before press time and the weather is beautiful and...

Happy Lunar New Year!
Hello and how are you? The Care is devoted to helping you identify and own better health and habits. So, what does the Lunar New Year...

Yo, yo, yo, whazzup?!? How's that for a greeting!? I'm really happy you're here and I'm taking the lead from this week's Seed:...

A Better Solution
Hello, and I hope you're easing into 2023. Last week's full moon was called a Wolf moon. One explanation is that Native American tribes...

Reap the Bennies of M&M
Happy 2023! Last Sunday was the day after Saturday just like any other weekend, however it has an assigned significance to it. We measure...