Friendship is Key
Hi, there! I'm going to jump right into this week's Care because it's such an important part of living a great life! Ever since my car...

Be Curious
Welcome back to my space! I'm listening to birds chirp and turkeys gobble and the sun is shining. There's been a "gang" of what I'm...

Recipe For Success
How is your spring going, so far? This is the first time I've spent April and May in S Oregon. Usually, I'm back on the east coast by...

What Are You Tolerating?
Welcome to this week's Bloom! Do you remember The Seed from earlier this week? Not a problem if you don't. Sometimes, when I'm getting...

Don't Quit!
Welcome to Happy, Healthy Hump Day! I also call it The Care since I've started sending out The Seed (a little food for thought) every...