Evolution Helloooo! It's been a minute or more ... maybe you've noticed I haven't been posting and maybe not. There was a time I might...

December 5, 2024 A big hello to you -- it's been a minute since I last wrote. During that time I finished helping out with harvest and...

Next Step And here we are again, dear Reader. It is an honor to be back or maybe for the first time. I welcome everyone. A couple of...

Hello, dear Reader! And, so we meet again, or perhaps for the first time ... Today I'm addressing "Part 3" of a Series that came to me a...

October 10, 2024 Here we are again, dear Reader and I am so happy to have you back or here for the first time! Two weeks ago I wrote...

September 26, 2024 Hello, again, dear Reader! It's been a minute since my last post and I've been busy. Almost four weeks ago I left the...

I'm Back! What?!? It's already August?!? How the heck did that happen? You may have noticed that I was hardly around in July -- at least...

React or Respond? Welcome to Week 2 of my summer NOW series. I just decided to call it that when I read the definition -- a number of...

A big, hot hello from Florida! A couple of weeks ago I sent out a post about my feelings of indecision and uncertainty. After writing The...

Special Care
A special "Hello" and welcome to my world. I'm not sure if you've noticed, but I've been a little out of synch recently. For the past few...